Apple starts with tree

Benny's play at this age is messy, loud, and really hilarious. His current favorite activities are tossing stuff away from where it's supposed to be, screeching at the top of his lungs until he turns red (I assure you it's a happy screech)...and turning all of his toys on at once so there's just this … Continue reading Apple starts with tree

It’s tradition: Allhallowtide

Even more special than seeing all the everyday stuff through new eyes, though, is the joy of experiencing family traditions with Benny. Some have been handed down through faith, some through generations, and some Jeff and I are just adopting and making part of our family culture. How we celebrate might even evolve as our family evolves, and that's okay. But they all add a certain magic quality to our everyday lives. 

Cravings (and other quirks of being with child)

At 31 weeks, the most frequent question I get these days is whether I've had any weird cravings. Thankfully, the weirdest one to date has been jello with whipped cream (and lots of tropical fruit/smoothies). Which is a totally normal thing. I've somehow managed to escape developing a taste for more exotic flavors such as pickles with ice cream. Or dirt. Thank God.

Surprised by (b)oy

Confession: I'm way too impatient a person to have been able to do the typical gender reveal where the parents find out the baby's sex on the day of the reveal. Not that this could possibly deter us from celebrating this milestone with our families! I felt like getting in touch with my crafty side, … Continue reading Surprised by (b)oy